WASE Entrance Exam Samples

WASE Entrance Exam references:


  1. LAD: Sir, Wase entrance test syllabus pattern in the "WASE Interveiw pattern" link above differs from the syllabus mentioned in the wipro's career portal>wase... can you please clarify that?

  2. @^
    What's written in career portal has not much to do with what they actually ask.
    I just gave WASE exam 4 days ago (cleared) and there were no questions from Trigonometry, Calculus, Matrix etc. All they asked were number series, inequalities, time n distance type questions ..

    So prepare for the worst as the domain of WASE questions is fluid.

    1. mr kamalkant are you sure what you written because my brother who serves wipro since 2010 refers to study the 10+2 level maths but you are written else other than he said . please reply me fast as you can.

  3. LAD: @^
    Thank you :-)
    Do we get any acknowledgement to mail after WASE registration and when will be the examination date?

  4. ^ Can u tell us more about d topics asked in the exam?

  5. can you tell me about the recent pattern?


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