Materials for WASE Open Book Exams

Having confusion regarding the material that you can carry for Open Book Exam...???

People thing that Open Book Exams are very easy but, In fact open book exams are not easy.
Open book exams teach you how to find information when you need it that is the main goal of BITS Pilani conducting open book examination.
The materials you can take into the exam room :
  • All printed Text books and reference books prescribed for the semester
  • Any printed book on the subject which might help you during the examination
  • All Hand-written notes of your current semester subjects / photo copies of the hand written class notes
  • The photocopies of the PPTs of the subject (s) in the current semester for which, your Professor or BITS Pilani is granted the written permission by the author of the book (s) / websites, from where the content is taken for creating that PPTs

The materials you cannot take into the exam room :
  • The photocopies of the PPTs of the subject(s) in the current semester for which your Professor is NOT granted the written permission by the author of the book (s) / websites, from where the content is taken for creating that PPT
  • Photocopies of the textbooks and reference books of the subjects in the current semester
  • Any downloaded material on the subject without the written permission from the original author
  • Any non-textual learning material pertain to the subject.

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  1. thank for the information....

  2. I want scan copy notes for DSCS & DE ...If any one have scaned copy of these 2 subjects please upload it....
    thanks in advance

  3. only recommended books and hand written notes.
    No xerox or printout copy is allowed.

  4. hi pls send the notes for OOAD,DAA,


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