MS - Mid Semester Exam

Mid Semester Exam was held on 25th March, 2012 for semester 1.
This is online exam i.e. MCQ's (Multiple Choice Questions) of 30 marks for each subject.

wase exams
All questions are of multiple choice
 - Four options
 - Only one correct answer

Online examinations would be held for each subject separately. Duration would be 1 hour each and it contains 30 questions i.e. 1 mark for each question.
There is no negative marking in the ON-LINE assessment

But it was dam failed. Because of server problem.
I wondered Wipro like IT MNC company facing server problem for Online assessment of 10,000 peoples at a time. :O

On 25th March, all students were ready to experience the first exam in their 4 years MS course and so enthusiastic to give the exam (really...!!  all will doubt :P ). but when they entered into the class room, occupied the seats and trying to login, they were facing a problem to login because of server problem. Server was not responding.
After waiting of 30 to 45 minutes, some people were succeeded to login and started the exam. once they finished all the questions, again they faced the problem for submitting the exam. It took 30 to 45 min to submit the exam.
Because of this, the entire exam schedule was failed and exams for some slots were canceled.
The day was ended with happy faces (those who doesn't want to give the exam) and with sad faces (those who want to give and finish the exam tension).

Exams was re-scheduled again on 31st March, 2012 and the same thing was happened again...
i.e. "Server problem and cancellation of the exams"

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  1. same for us at banglore.
    server problem...

  2. We were depressed mentally with that damn server problems, One more problem is added - It was some thing like one message box is coming for a few - "Your answer will not be submitted after 30 seconds" and the timer was stopped until we click OK for this message :P ).


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