Process How to Join Wipro

Hi everyone..!!!
Before you read this blog, let me tell you this post is for those who have been selected for WIPRO WASE.
After your interview process, you'll get an offer letter from WIPRO in Courier or Register post. If you didn't received any offer letter don't worry, be patient you'll definitely going get it (sometimes the time span may range from 2-3 months).
You'll get 2 copies of Offer letter, there is also a Medical check up form, and some documents explaining about WASE.
    There are 3 things you have to do,
  1. Register for NSR. (
  2. Go for Medical check up
  3. (Centers are mentioned in Medical Checkup letter)
  4. Scan all your Documents and certificates (Degree, HSC, SSC)
Scan all your documents and send them to mentioned email address (for us it was
Within one or two weeks you'll get a offer letter from WIPRO along with information of Which place to join. (Check the address & Phase of Wipro properly including the name of training room).
If you've any doubts please comment, we'll try to reply ASAP.


  1. we had WIPRO WASE Campusing in our college campus on 16th November
    2011. I along with other 19 candidates of our branch got selected
    finally. But we are still to receive any confirmation
    mail or offer letter from wipro

  2. Hi Shadab Masum,
    You have to wait until u get the mail...
    or else contact to Wipro, Banglore...
    This blog is not WIPRO's Official Blog...

  3. what is the mean of your status is waiting for final approval some of my friend got enrollment letter bt i didnt get it i called them then they told that wait for some time nd your applicatn is waitng for final approval

  4. hi,
    so simple wait for some time.
    They may have some procedure to do, so it will take some more time.
    wait for 10 to 15 days and call them again.
    All the best.
    See you in this group as a Wipro WASEian.

  5. @preeti
    We don't have any info regarding enrollment letter. Wait few more days and call them again.

    Note :- This is not a wipro's blog. It is created and maintaining by WASEians(Us), to share our experience and make all waseians under one roof.

  6. hi..i have been selected for the same program...where will the training center for me if im posted in chennai?? i heard i will have to stay in vellore for my training for 3 months.. i it true??/

  7. Hello sir
    I'm selected for wase and i'm going to join in a few days...but i have some doubts that some people told negatively about wase and M.S degree offered by them is not valuable..i just want to know is it true...pls kindly give me the information..

    my email
    Thank u.

  8. sir
    i had already done with all the formalities and send my documents in april itself but still i havnt received my joining letter..i ve received my offer letter

  9. I am waseian with 8 months of experience. can anyone tell me is there any value for ms-degree outside wipro? please give your valuble answers

  10. i was selected in wipro on 10 march 2012... but till i didnt get any solid letter... i m waiting for that only.. when will i get my offer letter?

  11. i received offer letter on may 2012 but i didnt receive joining date. i will defenately get my joining date.

  12. but didnt get my offer letter till

  13. @Abinaya
    Wait for few more days or contact to wipro official contact no.
    Note: This not a wipro's official blog.
    We are here to solve new comers doubts.

  14. hello sir..wipro-wase is goin 2 come 2 our clg for campus drive, & i m quite interested 4 it. But i got to know frm smwhere that the MS degree awarded is not AICTE certified,is it so? What is the value of this MS degree outside Wipro or BITS pilani? Is it globally recognized?I m very much confused..plzz help. Waiting 4 ur reply. Thank u.
    My Email ID:

  15. can u pls give me a contact details

  16. @Sweet Fatma : wipro wase is a good program if u r ready to study + work for 4 years.
    After 4 years u will have 4 years wipro experience + MS Softwr Engg certificate.
    And the main value will be for your exp in wipro.

  17. @Abinaya Nats :
    Email to

  18. Hello,

    I completed my reporting formalities and my joining is on the 13th of August.I just wanted to know that when is the medical test verified. I mean is it verified on the day of joining or it has already been verified at the time of reporting.I have got the learning kit as well.

    Thanking you in advance.Hope you could help.

  19. when u attended the wase exam?

  20. @Anonymous
    They will verify your medical reports after your joining.
    but u need to do it before the joining.

  21. currently i am in BCA 5th sem and graduating in april 2013.Should i apply now or in after graduation...Please help i am seriously confused......................????????????

  22. hi....i have been selected for WASE in a batch of 13 students 10 have got the offer letters while 3 students along with me haven't got the letters though we have got the selection email.....what should i do...? any help is appriciated

  23. hi anonymous (plz mention your name, so that i can reply to you)
    wait for some more days to get offer letter or mail to alone with the details of received selection mail.

  24. hi.. I'm kavya. i have been selected for the wase program. Usually during which month will the offer letter be sent?

  25. offer will be sent app. in month of feb / mar but DOJ depends on requirement of business.

  26. how will the career be after wase? how much salary can i expect after 4yrs?

  27. As of now wipro itself give pacakage of 5.5 to 6.0 Lacs and also its depends on performance. after 4 year there is golden opportunities.

  28. Hello Sir, after four years will wipro provide us a master degree or just a certificate?

  29. I received my enrollment letter and medical checkup form. Can i go for medical checkup now. or after confirmation of doj only....
    Can i register for nsr.
    please reply

  30. @ayushi shrivastava
    After successful completion of WASE program , you will receive BITS MS certificate along with Wipro experience certificate.

    @Anonymous(April 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM )
    Better you just complete those all formalities as soon as possible.

  31. sir i am pursuing my from SMU-DE and i am in last sem.
    sir i want to know that am i elligible to wase-ms program,

  32. I have got e-mail of prejoining formalities.
    should i go for medical test now or after confirmation of doj?

  33. @Anonymous (April 22, 2013 at 4:22 PM )
    Check this post : Eligibility for WASE program

    @Anonymous (April 27, 2013 at 10:25 PM)
    Better do it as soon as possible, so that you will be free later ☺

  34. @Anonymous (April 22, 2013 at 4:22 PM)
    Check this post : Eligibility for WASE program

  35. after performing medical formalities when we have to mail those reports??before or after confirmation of joining??

    1. Please follow the instructions that there in the mail(received mail from wipro)

  36. i m selected in wipro wase .... n nw i m confused whether to join wase or do mca ... plz suggest

    1. Think twice before joining in wipro wase program, you need to be with wipro for further 4/5 years, so think accordingly.

    2. Yes Anonymous... You have to stay with WIPRO 5 to 5.5 Year.
      If you find any other company with good salary then join that company.
      till 4 year your salary is only 20500/- (after deduction).
      But if you join other comapany then 1 st salasy will be 20000/- and after till your salary will be 40000/-

  37. sir,
    i want to know if passport is necessary for joining wipro wase....
    wipro enrollment letter is saying :

    4) Passport: In case you do not possess a valid passport, we want you to apply for the same and share the acknowledgement copy with us at time of joining. Please visit, for more details and to apply for the passport.
    so if it is necessary coz m studying outside my home place n will not b able to make it... plz guide for the same

    1. Passport is not that mandatory, but its better to have.
      If they asks then reply as will apply soon.
      Apply as soon as possible

  38. sir is there any issue of not getting offer letters from wipro after selecting

    1. If u have selected for wipro WASE program, you will get the offer letter soon.

      For any queries mail to :

  39. Will we be the assigned the projects outside of India during our WASE studies?

    1. probably not in between the 4 years WASE MS program, but in some cases you may be allowed to go(critical cases)

  40. Hi sir,
    i am arvind and am selected for wase and got the offer letter.they have also given me a synergy user id and password. my doubt is whether we should post all our scanned documents in that id .. and i've not yet recieved my last sem mark sheet and do not have a passport. And i want to know whether they will provide my joining letter without uploading these documents. please clear my doubt..
    thank u so much sir..

    1. Please upload whatever documents that you have(which are requested), and also mentioned the reason to not to upload requested documents(as you said, you dont have a passport, and last sem marks sheet, etc...).
      All the best... ☺

  41. when can i expect my joining date sir? I got placed in december..any ideas?

  42. sir what is global infrastructure service from wipro?

  43. Guys!!!! How many of you have received a telephone call from wipro telling about the delay happening in the joining dates!!!

    1. I have received a telephone call from wipro telling about the delay happening in the joining dates and it will be between june to march 2014.

  44. hello sir,
    i got selected in wipro wase last year in December 2012, i have my call letter completed all my formalities still no joining date!....when should i expect it....?
    i shall be glad if you reply my query. thank you

  45. helo,
    this is Ankita
    me with my 18 frndz hv been selected for wase program on 06.12.2013..... they told us dat we'll get mail within a week bt we hv nt recievd any mail yet...... may i knw wat is the expectd time period aftr which we'll get mail from wipro....? plz answer me soon

    1. It takes some tym to get a confirmation mail from wipro. wait

  46. sir,
    But in my offer letter(welcome letter,2 enrollment letter,medical checkup letter etc) there is nothing written about scaning of documents....& sending.....
    plz reply....

    1. It has mentioned in the confirmation mail. Check the mail once again.
      For more info, email to

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. hello sir
    My college has received email regarding my selection. But i haven't received it yet. My interview was on 12 jan 2014. May I know in how much time span I'll be getting the offer letter.

  49. Hello sir,
    This is Anu
    I got selected for Wase in December,2013. I got an offer letter from Wipro. When will I get the joining date? Should I have to wait for more than 1 year?

  50. Hii plzz can anyone tell me is wipro kick us out if we didnt score 70 in training...

  51. Hello Sir,i was selected on 5th of Feb 2014 for the WASE program but got the letter of intent on 6th Feb 2014.I have heard that the degree provided by Wipro/BITS Pilani of MS degree is not valuable outside the company and we will not get highly paid outside the company.Is it true? please reply at my email id:

  52. Hello Sir,
    I Received my enrollment letter. I dont know the date of joining. I have some doubts:

    1. should i get the medical checkup done now or after i join wipro?
    2. is passport essential?
    3. They have asked me to go through the formalities on the day of reporting but the date of "Day of reporting" isn't mentioned. What do i do?
    4. Should i open the "Salary bank account" now or will it be on the day of reporting too?
    5. After how many days will i get a call from Wipro and when will I be able to work there?

    Thanks very much

    1. when you get your reporting mail then one of person wil contact you for the medical test but you have to do before joining

      yes passport is necessary so apply for it

      it will come wait but check your mail once daily

      sorry about account

      wait for call

  53. Hello Sir,
    I have received offer letter but not joining mail and I just wanted to know that will there be any link for test again before training when i will get my joining mail
    please reply soon ............

  54. Hello Sir,
    I am Shailendra and i have been selected for the WASE program . I got my offer letter, but i am confused whether to join WASE or go for MCA. beacause i heard from out faculties and few seniors that MS degree provided by the WASE/BITS i a correspondence degree and has no value outside the company.

    secondly i heard that though it is mentioned as a 4Year program but it may take our 5 or more years as student in wase.

    please help and guide me.

  55. hello sir,
    I am selcted for wipro wase in jan 2015.. i didn't get any mail and offer letter till now... can u say me what are the procedure will be followed till my date of joining....

  56. hello sir,
    i have been selected for the wase program and i wanted to know what is the procedure for joining...dey told that there will be training for first 2 months and you have to perform well.. so i wanted to know that is there any chance that they might reject anybody after training or at any stage in between??

  57. hello sir,
    i have been selected the wase program in jan 2015 and I didn't get any mail after LOI (LETTER OF INTENT) and I just wanted to know that when i will get my joining mail.
    thanxs very much..........

  58. Got intent letter first week itself. Today I got my reporting day .

  59. Hello..sir .. its my dream company to work with.. i am in B.C.A.. 5th semestor.. due to lack of 1 % in B.C.A i am not able to sit in the company.. but now i have secured 60% which they wants now the question is that..can i now apply after completing my graduation.. is there any delay between joining of offcampus and oncampus ..? please help me

  60. Hello Sir,

    One of my friend infected with Hepatitis B virus, whether she is eligible to apply for job/join in Wipro? Please let me know

  61. Hello Sir,

    Today i submit my documents on synergy wipro candidate desktop but after submit all document i checked my marks card then i see that my 6th sem marks and subs has been currepted sack of microsoft office so now what should i do.

  62. Hello,
    I selected in wipro and I cleared all the hr round and technical and customer round...and wipro portal its shows your qualified...but the status is now p close...what is that i don't know...can you please give a good solution

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. i want to asked a question Q. Did Wipro asked for a rupees of 7500 for document verification process?
    cause i go a call from jobhub and they asked to pay this amount to wipro..

    please any one help me regarding this.

  65. Hi Sir,

    I got selected in wipro.My synergy status is in fitment stage when i will get my offer letter.please reply week before i upload all my documents..please reply me

  66. Sir, i had cleared interview for Wipro WILP 2019 . I accepted the offer letter and completed all the document formalities.
    But today some of my friends recieved enrollment letter from Wipro but I didn't got anything like this..!

    What should I do..??


WASE open book exams - June 2013

Hey waseians, All the best for exams... ☺ Exams time table Useful posts for open book exam Semester 3 materials Get ready...